Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day 2009!

Groundhog Day (film)Image via Wikipedia

Today the cute groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow so it looks like 6 more weeks of a frosty winter. Since the 1800's in the US, Feb 2 has been celebrated by gathering in the cold to find out if the famous groundhog could see his shadow or not in order to predict how much longer winter will last. There is a very interesting website with all sorts of INFO.
If you would like to celebrate groundhog day with a movie, I suggest watching the movie Groundhog Day (1993) starring Bill Murray, and if you have seen it already, it is worth your time to see it again. The main character keeps living the same day (Feb 2) over and over, he is essentially stuck in a time loop. Time loops are used in many science fiction novels, films, and television shows. This movie, however, is different in that the memory of the main character remains intact when the time loop resets. So he is remembering each past time loop while everyone else involved has their memories reset. The story is fun and Bill Murray is very funny as usual, but what I find interesting is the serious turn the movie takes and the lessons that are learned about life. You could turn philosophical about how the main character begins to change and analyze how you could change in your day to day life or you could just sit back and enjoy a great movie that I highly recommend.
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