Thursday, August 11, 2011

Erm, where was I?

Things have been rather busy at 'The Doodologist' Headquarters (In a good way, mostly).

Firstly the computer had to go back to the shop, which was a major pain in the arse and something I had blocked out of my mind,until writing this blog post and realising how long it has been since I actually wrote anything on here!Ooops.

Secondly I found out my first Art Fair/Craft Fair/Fete type thing will be on September 10th and there are also a few more that I am hoping to do, just waiting to hear back from them.

One of the events that I have applied for, was a bit more official, so you had to fill in an application form, with a few samples of your work. For the photography stuff, I sent a print of this collage type thing:
Photo Sample

and for all things The Doodologist, I created this sample:
Doodle Sample

Fingers crossed that I get a few more spots at the various art fairs and craft fairs, that I wanted! Although to be honest, I still haven't got a clue what exactly I will be taking with me to flog!

Along with finding art fairs to attend, I have also been finding the right insurance policy, figuring out cash flow projections, writing final business plan and all that fun stuff.

In the meantime 'The Grumpus' has been his usually cheery self and started to do special Grumpus messages (for a fee, green fur is high maintenance!)

Firstly a 'Happy Birthday' message to a lovely 18 year old girl, Grumpus decided they were actually 21, what an idiot....

 Grumpus 21st birthday message
Then begrudgingly Grumpus came up with a few words of wisdom, for my chum Collette who got wed last Saturday.

"Marriage is a three ring circus: Engagement Ring, Wedding Ring and SuffeRing"
Father Grumpus and words of wisdom

Got some awesome doodle projects to blog about next time, I just need to edit the pictures, upload them and all that bollocks first.

Please 'like' me over on the book of faces for The Grumpus and The Doodologist, for the time being I am updating more frequently over there, thanks muchly!

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