Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two bloody years of blogging

 Well I wasn't going to write anything to commemorate two years of me blogging, but its better than doing homework, so what the heck.
Behold semi epic doodle which summarises two years of blogging in doodleriffic form.

Personally I believe that I have been sucked into a weird time vortex and then released two years later. I have no idea what a time vortex is, I just wanted to use that in a sentence.

What have I learnt?
Tons, to put it simply. Okay, okay, I will write a wee bit more than that.
1. The majority of people are not going to find your blog by accident and even if they do find it, they might hate it or be very bored. Some will even tell you this, it may hurt, but its for your own good.

2. People want to know about you, its not creepy, its nice (most of the time). If you write a personal blog and its public, you are putting yourself out there and if you do a good job, they see enough of your personality to actually connect with you. I have made some great friends through this blogging lark, its not something I had even thought about, it just sort of happened. Now I cant get rid of them, sigh (haha). So spend some time and write a decent 'About Me' page, mine is just a backdated post and people seem to read it a lot. I know that I always check out other folks 'About Me's.

3. There are scary frickin trolls out there, people that live in a basement and wear tinfoil hats. They probably don't actually do either, but its nice thinking of them in that way. Basically some people vent their frustrations with life onto the poor folks of the internet. That's their problem and not mine or yours. Get back under your bridges evil troll folk! Go on now, Get!

4. HTML is the stuff of the devil, but sacrifice that damn goat, because people want the links to be damn clicky.

5. Use and Abuse Google Reader, its the only way to keep track of all the blogs that you love.I seriously read a lot of blogs and this is the only way to go about it for me.

6. Become a twit on twitter. I love twitter, I use it for all sorts of stuff. From updating the world on what I have just blogged about, what music I am listening to, what I have just eaten, sharing other folks links, subscribing to local and world news. The list goes on and on.

7. Comments, comments, comments. You have to give to receive! Either by responding to own comments, commenting on other blogs or continuing the conversation in some way. I am still god awful at this, but I also encourage people to email me if they like. It takes time for this to happen, like nearly two years...

8. Blogging has helped immensely with my counselling homework, it was the reason that I started blogging in the first place. The insight and wisdom from the commenter's has been wonderful and has helped a lot! I can even use a lot of the blog in my final counselling project called 'Who Am I'. So I have downloaded some software to turn the blog into a book and that will go with final portfolio.

What would I do differently?
1. Probably less memes and actually concentrate on what really interested me. If it doesn't interested you, then why on earth would it interest anyone else? This is my own time capsule and I love looking back at what I have written in the past (for the most part).

2. Got someone to have design a theme for my blog a LOT sooner, why mess around with the bloody thing when someone far more talented can do it for you! The amount of stress I caused myself messing around with the ruddy template before Design Bug stepped in and created what you are looking at now. I do not recommend anything haphazardly, working with Kelly was great and the outcome was awesome.

3. I hhmmm and haaaaa over the paid post thing. Whilst I made a fair bit of money with it, it was bloody boring and just dosn't fit in with what my blog is for. I am not sure if I would do them again, I probably wont on this blog.

4.There is probably lots more, but I cant think of any at the moment.

Thanks to everyone for reading my blog over the past two years. I am a grumpy, miserable sod, who pretends not to care whether you read it or not, but I do care really!
I have no idea where this blog is going in the future, so keep reading .

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