Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Treasure Box Wednesday: Quacking Up With Spwing Fever

The daffodils have sprung up in the yard, and I admit-- I'm feeling a bit daffy! The fever has crept in, and I find the sunshine distracts... the warm wind whispers in my ear of antiquing roadtrips westward. But alas-- practicality wins out. Weekends await.

And I was, at least, very practical about the cost of these pretty aqua and pink placemats from Big Lots...

At $1 a piece, you can't really go wrong. I like them very much with the current diningroom theme. Just about the right shade with the McCoy planter and the glass on the mantle, I think.

Can I offer you a cup of tea?

I found another thing I thought you all might get a kick out of. Is it a Nancy Drew book?...

Nope! It's a nice lined notebook, precisely novel-sized. And look at the attention to detail with this. The inside cover is a replica of the endpapers in the original 50s book...

And then the nicely lined pages are filled with little illustrations from the novel...

I do so much writing, this just seemed like it would be really handy.

At the St. Vincent de Paul in Monroeville, I found this large Imperial Harvest centerpiece bowl in amber carnival glass...

My friend Scoobie had gotten me one for my birthday a year or so ago-- and I love it-- so I was thinking when Fall rolls around, it might be nice to have this second one. At $5, the price was right.

And so, I bet you're wondering... what's all this about quacking up?

Well, I was rooting around in one of my cabinets and I found a few of my feathered friends for Easter. How cute are these little ducklings? So realistically painted and whimsical, right now they're hanging out on my entryway lamp table, but we'll see where they turn up for the holiday.

They're there with these little ladies...

You may remember, they're the chicks I'd dubbed "the MacGuire Sisters" last year. They make me smile, too. Hey, would now be a good time to mention, I'm on Twitter?

Oh, and I found a little freebie for you folks, for this Treasure Box!...

You can download some public domain audiobooks for free-- one of which is a favorite of mine:

The humor story Right Ho, Jeeves, by PG Wodehouse. If you click here, you can download all or part of the MP3 files of this book. I actually ride around to this version on my commute sometimes.

Listen as Bertie Wooster and his brainbox of a butler, Jeeves, twist and turn in a hilariously confusing plot of angry aunts, wishy-washy chums in love, Mephistopholes costumes, Market Snodsbury Grammar School prize-givings, inebriation, and 18 mile bike rides.

Or, if you didn't get a chance to check out Sunday's post, Some of Your Favorite Things, click here.

Guess I'd better waddle on out of here! Take care!

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