Monday, August 1, 2011

Robots and Empire and Bicentennial Man

I have been reading the novel entitled Robots and Empire by Isaac Asimov and then happened to see the movie Bicentennial Man based on his novel by the same name. I was able to note that Asimov had been a co- writer of the screenplay of the movie because his style of writing is, in my opinion, very poetic and I recognized it immediately. I love poetry in general of any genre, especially science fiction, and his writing has that special flavor, almost a musical quality to it. His portrayal of robots is wonderful, Daneel is very human - like and Giskard has special mental abilities that can influence people and situations in the novel and I feel like I am floating through the story with the greatest of ease. However, if you are not able to spend the time on a lengthy novel, Bicentennial Man is a lovely tale of the evolution of Andrew, the robot and main character of the film, and what a film it is, a real treat. I highly recommend watching this movie, I don't even want to describe it so that it unfolds in front of you and you become as aware of the world as Andrew does, I put a clip of the movie below, enjoy!

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