Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Framed Goes Out!

Okay, this is a special announcement. Hear ye, hear ye.

Now you KNOW how much I do love my kitchen and everything that goes on in there. But everyone needs a break now and then, and for my, that break comes on Saturday nights, when the Southern husband and I leave the kitchen, the teenager, the dog, the pots, the pans, the dishwasher and the oven behind, and we go OUT to eat.

Yes, actually out. To eat something I haven't actually cooked myself. For the longest time, we were going to the same few places over and over again, until all of the sudden it dawned on me that there was a whole world of different restaurants out there, even here in Northern New Jersey, and we started something called The Restaurant Project, which basically means we are going to a new place every Saturday night.

So here I am, gathering all this great information about these places we have been venturing out to, and so I decided to do what I do, which is blog about them. However, there are so many, and they are so specific to one area (that being the northern NJ/southern NY area) that I decided they needed their own blog. So I'd like to introduce you to my second blog, FRAMED GOES OUT! I'll be posting about once a week, talking about the restaurants we have gone to and liked. I might toss some other food destinations in there, and if I ever get OUT of the NY/NJ area I will definitely post about whatever good eats I run into, but this is going to mainly be a NJ/NY restaurant blog.

So...for all of you who are interested, please click below to take a look around. I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. And for everyone else, I'll still be in my kitchen the other six days of the week, still posting to the original FRAMED, and still very happy you are stopping by.

Here's the link!


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