Monday, July 18, 2011

Cleaning Up My Front Porch

Lately my front porch has been looking rather sad -

Between the weeds popping up through the pavers, the dirt that has gone unswept and the fact that I've basically been using it as a dumping spot, the front porch had lost it's "come, sit out here, relax and watch your puppy run around the yard" charm (it's a very specific type of charm).

Last week I mentioned that I got a new bench as a birthday gift and I was planning on giving my porch a bit of a makeover. Well, a full makeover will have to wait until it isn't like 4oo degrees outside in shade, but a nice little clean up seems to have helped a bit.

I returned the green chair to it's rightful place in the backyard, pulled everything off the porch and got to work cleaning. I swept, weeded and washed the the porch down. I gave the gnomes a little bath (there were five gnome in the first picture, only three in the second. Two of them are getting makeovers of their very own in the side yard - more on that later). I did my best to neatly stack the unused flower pots and some random pavers in the corner out of the way so they didn't seem so messy. Finally I added my new bench and smile.

There's isn't anything earth shattering about this quick clean up, but I figured I have posted about my home in a while, so it was due.

Note that the color difference in the pictures is due to the fact that the first photo was taken around 8am and the second photo was taken around 6:30pm.

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