Monday, July 25, 2011

Just Plain Nuts.....

All of us have little things we like to do.....

but some people take it further than others. 
It was horribly, revoltingly hot, but the 

collector of bottles and cans was hard at it. 
In a sort of way it was admirable, but in others, of course, rather sad. 
His artistic creation, I think.

A completely other form of craziness is the people who plant plants 
(here redwing begonias) and then don't bother to water them.....ever. 
Lunacy #3  may be observed in the sort of person 
who puts up notices about lunacy #2. Hm.........

How thrilled we were to see the lowering sky yesterday afternoon.....
and it still  didn't rain!

Monday morning. No rain yet and the sparrows are fed up ...
not to mention the humans.

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