Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Mango Maker

One of the things that made me fall in love with my house was the giant old mango tree in the backyard. . .

The tree is probably 50 years old, is well over 40 feet high and produces 1000s (yeah, you read that right) of mangoes in the summer. . .

. . . and I'm thinking about cutting it down. . .

Yeah, it doesn't feel good. . . but I have my reasons -

  • it is so large and so close to the house that it could cause major major major damage in a hurricane (it is south Florida, after all)

  • it produces giant 2 - 3 pound mangoes which fall from up to 40 feet high making it dangerous to be near in the summer (there are craters in the yard from where they land)

  • 1000s of mangoes = 1000s of rotting mangoes
I can't really afford to do anything right now anyway, but I need to decide if I should start saving for it or if I should just let it be. . .

I'm really torn about what to do, what do you all think?

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