Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sci Fi Beauties of Movies and Television

I have not made a blog post in quite some time because sometimes life gets filled with the "Real" stuff and leaves me little time to ponder my favorite subject: science fiction. I found a photo gallery that highlights some beauties who have added cunning, intelligence and wit to some great science fiction stories and I was pleasantly surprised that I agreed with almost all of their picks and was even being reminded of some great female characters from some exciting movies and television shows. For example, I loved Sigourney Weaver in all of the Alien movies but forgot that she made the hilarious movie Galaxy Quest which is a spoof on Star Trek and Star Trek conventions! I loved Lindsay Wagner in the Bionic Woman, and Winona Ryder in Alien Resurrection and Star Trek (even though that part was miniscule). Of course I adore all the Star Trek characters, but I was a little disappointed that Samantha Carter(Amanda Tapping) of Stargate SG1 wasn't there on the list(maybe I missed it but I checked twice).
Anyway, with so many interesting Science Fiction short stories, novels, and the last flight of Atlantis, I will make a concerted effort to blog, besides, I am in the middle of an Isaac Asimov novel and just loving it, but that is for another post.
I hope the link to beauties in Sci Fi works, check it out it is worth it!

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