Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pasta with Baked Camembert

One of the nifty things about this blog is that I get all kinds of SUGGESTIONS. Some are actual recipes (like the chocolate chip cheese ball! whoo-hoo!!), some are for cookbooks or websites or restaurants I should try. Some are requests for dishes calling for specific ingredients (bacon), or requests that I not use specific ingredients (bacon). Note to this last group of requesters: you have no shot. Zero. Sorry. I love you but I have my standards to uphold.

Anyway, one of my good friends (let's call him the Narnian) has been telling me for a while that I really should try some of Jamie Oliver's recipes. I didn't know much about Jamie other than the fact that he goes by the name "The Naked Chef," which was slightly alarming until I realized that meant he is a big proponent of using non-processed ingredients. He is also on a mission to get the United Kingdom to cook and eat healthier, which I dearly hope does not knock out scones with clotted cream and jam, which is my absolute favorite part of going to the UK.

Anyway, I finally checked out Mr. Oliver, and ran across this recipe, which has instantly become one of my favorites. It's a nice easy one that is basically a super-charged version of macaroni and cheese, only this time the cheese is Camembert that has been baked with fresh rosemary, garlic and olive oil until it is soft and creamy and you want to weep with happiness. The picture above shows the Camembert right before it goes in the oven, in case you are wondering how it actually works. It gets tossed with pasta and baby spinach, and looks like this when it is done:

Need I say more? So with thanks to the Narnian, I am now a Jamie Oliver convert. Except, I wonder how he feels about bacon?

BAKED CAMEMBERT PASTA, adapted from Jamie Oliver's recipe

1 round of camembert (the kind that comes in the thin wooden box)

2 cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced

1 sprig of fresh rosemary, with the leaves stripped off

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

8 ounces penne

1 pound baby spinach

1. Open the box of cheese and unwrap it. Put it back in the wooden box, or in a small baking dish if it didn't come in wooden box.

2. Cut a circle in the top of the rind, then peel off and discard (see picture above)

3. Lay the garlic slices on top of the cheese and cover with 2 tablespoons olive oil.

4. Scatter the rosemary leaves over the top. Grind pepper over all.

5. Bake the cheese at 350 for about 25 minutes until soft.

6. When the cheese has 10 minutes left to cook, cook pasta until al dente. When the pasta is cooked, add the spinach to the pasta for about 30 seconds, then drain all.

9. Add remaining olive oil and grated Parmesan to the pasta. Season with salt and pepper.

10. Remove the cheese from the oven and scoop the melted cheese into the pasta. Toss thoroughly and serve.

Click here for printable recipe.

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