Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Treasure Box Wednesday: Rummages and Resale Shops

A little exploring on the weekend brought me to some Treasure Box opportunities I don't ordinarily have-- and which I'll share with you today!

The first was a local church rummage sale. It was a misty gray morning, drizzle dropping down on us as we queued for the sale to open. Neighbors met neighbors. Kids dangled distractedly on their moms necks. And I felt a sense of anticipation. This sale had yielded goodies for me before, in spring...

And fall was no exception. In fact, as we stepped out of the rain into the warmly lit basement, in the very first row, I found a 1930s-ish art deco print for $3...

It's called "The Viking," I learned, when I took the frame apart to clean the very dirty glass. And while it looks quite a bit like an Atkinson Fox print, no name is on the piece. All there is is the title and this publisher's mark...

"Reliance Picture Frame Company-- NY." Looks like when I get some time, I'm going to have to do a little research!

I also uncovered some 60s cookbooks-- one of which I believe I'll be treating you all with in a future post-- and this vintage pottery planter...

At fifty-cents, I figured I couldn't go wrong!

Later in the day, at a resale shop in Bellevue I hadn't been to before, I found this detailed Made in Japan figurine which, thanks to info from a nice reader, is likely based on the nursery rhyme about the cat off to see the Queen...

Anyway, I loved the bisque look and soft colors. The store benefits a local hospice, the prices were great, and it is definitely one I'll visit again.

(I have to get the details to share with you all. I admit, I was so enamored looking around at the merchandise, I forgot to get the contact info! Ah, the price of being an avid treasure hunter-- we get distracted sometimes.)

The other item I bought was this 1950s style carriage-shaped novelty clock. I thought. given the fairy-tale quality the blue room in my house has been taking on, it might fit in well on the mantle I'm assembling.
Lastly, I stopped by the Ohio River Boulevard Antique Mall and came across additional material for a future post... These "Official Detective Stories" magazines...

I love old pulp fiction, and these dramatic, kitschy covers really caught the eye. Plus, at 50% off, how could I say no?

Anyway, that's the Treasure Box for this week, my friends!

If not, I'll see you on Sunday perhaps, where I should have more progress on some home decorating projects!

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