Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just keep doodling

Hey chumsI am currently doing a few art/craft stalls at the moment, to market The Doodologist in the real world (not just online). I think I will leave writing up my experience with those until I have done a few more. I will have done four, by the first of next month, so a full expose into the world of arty farty crafty stall type things shall be written up then, including my mahoosive to do list! If I wrote it up now it would be something like:

"Talk to me, I am human being, not a zoo animal trapped behind this stall/cage, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

In the mean time I will be lying on the floor imitating a heap of clothes that looks like the shape of a possible hooman bean (human being). Which may be a strange way of saying "By Crikey! I am fucking knackered!". Normally being tired would be a horrid feeling, but for the most part it's rather cool, I go to sleep dreaming about doodles, then I get to wake up and doodle them! When that pesky paperwork and chore stuff isn't getting in the way.

Home and Away:
Latest commission for The Doodologist is this piece called "Home and Away"
Home and Away

 In other news: Grumpus was forced to listen to music that wasn't to their liking. After the show the Grumpus tried to recreate the noise and this is a pictorial depiction of that incident:
 Sounds like
Can you caption The Grumpus picture above?
( just to see if anyone has the same mindset as The Grumpus).

Music inspired doodles:
Random project I am working on.

Musical Doodles

Other other news:

There Goes the Galaxy Book Badge
My incredibly talented friend Jenn has written a book, with words and everything! I have downloaded it to my phone thing to read and you should too!(if you have the right phone thing or kindle). I will be mentioning this a lot more once I have finished it! In the mean time please visit her facebook page and show some support There Goes the Galaxy

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