Thursday, September 1, 2011

Star Trek: Voyager

I have been watching Star Trek: Voyager lately and have been thinking about how short the television seasons are these days. It is amazing to me that each season of Voyager has 26 episodes more or less and lasted 7 seasons. Now we are lucky if a show has ten episodes and makes it past season two! It is a real treat to sit back and watch Voyager because of the amount of time put into the characters and their history, of course with more money the sets were great, the writing interesting, and unique costumes, and crew. One thing I have to add is that I love the character 7 of 9 and wish they had brought her onboard a lot sooner, maybe the second season, it could have worked the first season but we needed some time to get used to the Delta quadrant. I liked the interaction with the Borg keeping in mind that DS9 was on television at the same time as Voyager for several years and the TNG crew was off making movies, some of it with the Borg, and the writers needed to keep the Star Trek Universe more or less unified and the stories consistent, and I personally think they did a great job!
If you haven't watched Voyager in a while, it is fun to refresh your memory and spend some time in the Delta quadrant!

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