Wednesday, October 13, 2010

fuchsian breasts / {Echo} entry

Today is a special day because it is my birthday! I decided to treat myself a day away from the labs because I can. Well, that, and the fact that I cannot comprehend the reason why I have to buy the approximate twenty people along the laboratory corridor a birthday cake when it is *MY* birthday. Where is the sense in that!

Because I get to do whatever I want on my birthday (damn right!), I am dedicating this entry to Breast Cancer Awareness:-

We all do our donations and buy those daffodils, however my most memorable experience of a cancer awareness campaign was in 2007. My friend Charly (short for Charlotte) and her three sisters had raised money for the campaign by shaving their heads bald. It was amazing how they started the ball rolling, and how quickly they inspired and influenced so many people to do the same. Here they are on the New Zealand Breakfast Show (excuse the bad video quality):

Charly is third from the right with her head being shaved by her boyfriend (now turned husband), Jeff.

Click to view more entries-->{Echo} Week 22 - Sweet
Today, in dedication to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I surrounded myself with all the pink sweetness there was in the room (well to be honest, there were more pink items -- like my pink loofah and my pink lingerie and, well...I shall leave the rest to your imagination) and took a moment of silence. A moment for the sisters, daughters, nieces, mothers, aunts and grandmothers lost to the disease. And then another moment of silence for all those who have suffered any loss at all.

This year, I had taken notice of Breast Cancer Awareness Month when I made a visit to Floriade (click here to view Floriade entry).

I had walked past a field of what I thought was gaily decorated with bright pink silhouettes, only to find that each silhouette had a note tied around its neck. Some notes were of love lost, while others were scribblings of prayers and hopes for someone they know or love to recover from breast cancer.

Over the years, cancer has taught me one thing -- and that is we are all the same; we are all human. Despite our race, religion, culture, language and skin colour, we are all vulnerable to the same emotions, struggles and diseases in life. So let us show a kind gesture of thought and support to breast cancer victims and their family and friends worldwide. We both know it would mean a lot to them.

For starters, here are 30 amazing Breast Cancer Awareness goodies to purchase for the cause (click on items for more details):

Oh and by the way, men: Pink is no longer gay. It is now Mustang.

Warriors in PinkFord has done a wonderful job in supporting Breast Cancer Awareness as National Sponsor for the Komen Race for the Cure® Series/ The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation since 1995. Visit the official Ford site here or by clicking the Ford logo on the right to find out more. They have VERY COOL merchandise in store, a virtual quilt you can design and send to someone who, um... likes pink?, free wallpaper downloads and e-cards! Go Ford! Vrummm vrummmmm!

There are so so many organisations and individuals out there doing their bit for Breast Cancer Awareness. Do feel free to share any links or ideas that you may have to contribute to the cause.

Phew! Lengthy entry -- but fully worth it!
Blessin' my hooties tonight! xo

PS: Thank you Pink Diva, Diamante and Dave for the follow! :)

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