Sunday, October 3, 2010

glowbug almost in japan

Nothing much happened over the weekend except that I was down with food poisoning. And as you would imagine, any excellent photos of my weekend would thus have to be visually gross. The thought of posting some images did occur to me, but then I came across Julia's blog entry (view here) that begged to differ in opinion, and so and I changed my mind.

If you are reading this, know that I have taken great consideration into making your Monday a happy, happy one! I actually do care and would never think of mentally scarring spoiling that crazy week you have planned ahead of you. That leaves me with today's blog space to share what happened at the Japanese Nara Candle Festival I had attended several weeks ago (find out more about the event here).

 I reached at sunset and enjoyed watching kites fly with these two little ones.

 Spied on wishes made upon a tree. 
The scariest thing was finding a wish written by my supervisor in a child's handwriting! (Though I am not too sure if he would've gone to the extent of misspelling "freinds").

  And suddenly I was in Japan, 

 with an angry purple-haired lady beating the crap out of mochi and kids not knowing what the hell to do with kendamas.

Watched some amazing karate-chop dancing performances while munching on teriyaki skewers and onigiri:

 Then there was light in all its glorious beauty!

 And then more lights! (Oh and by the way, I have another fifty million other pictures like these)

Could've fooled myself that it was Christmas already!

And while we are on the subject, I might as well admit: I am obsessed with lights. Like, no - I am really, really, REALLY obsessed with lights! So obsessed that when I came across this video of the Ars Electronica Museum lighted by electrical impulses generated by brain neurons...I drooled. Only a geek turned-on by lights could get this retarded. Sigh.

Cool? I agree.
Much love for the week! xo

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