Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Treasure Box Wednesday: Demonic Decorating with the Winchester Mystery House

Welcome to Wednesday, my thrifty, nifty friends! While the thrifting this week was slim, never let it be said that The Thrift Shop Romantic lets its online buddies go eye-candyless on Treasure Box day.

So as Halloween approaches, I thought we would celebrate this spooky season in a way that combines both design and diabolic fun through this History Channel tour of the Winchester Mystery House.

Sarah Winchester, heir to the Winchester rifle fortune, believed she was cursed by the souls of the people the Winchester guns had killed. Her penance? To design and build a home that was never, ever finished.

The result became a startling mix of traditional Victorian decor with architectural madness-- staircases to nowhere, doors that open to nothing, winding hallways and mystery around every corner.

I think you'll enjoy this Weird U.S. video. Kinda makes our homes' own little quirks seem mild by comparison...

I mean, in my area just getting a contractor is difficult enough! :)

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