Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bacon Cinnamon Rolls

I have been bad. I have been very, very bad.

I took a roll of those refrigerated cinnamon rolls - the one that pops open when you pull the paper off the roll. I unrolled each of the uncooked cinnamon rolls into a long cinnamon roll dough strip. I took a strip of bacon, laid it on top of the dough, rolled it back up, and baked it until the rolls and the bacon were all cooked together. I frosted them with the white sugar frosting that comes with the cinnamon roll dough.

And I ate one. The Southern husband ate one. (Well, three, if we are being completely accurate.) The teenager ate one. The dog ate the last bite of mine (she was sitting at my feet whimpering and looking at me with those EYES of hers).

And it was GOOD. Oh man, was it good.

I found this recipe while doing one of my favorite things to do on the computer, which is Googling the word 'bacon." Because you never know...and sure enough, I came across this site called Bacon Today. They have bacon recipes, bacon products, bacon songs, bacon videos...they are very serious about their bacon. And amid all that stuff was this recipe for bacon cinnamon rolls. I was a goner from the first second I saw was really only a matter of time.

A couple of notes on this one. I used the bacon straight out of the package, and after 15 minutes in the oven the rolls were nice and brown, and the bacon was cooked but not crispy. Which is fine - in our house we all happen to like our bacon on the chewy side. If you like your bacon well-done, you might want to nuke it for a couple of minutes before rolling it up into the dough. Second, don't worry if your cinnamon roll dough doesn't unroll perfectly. Mine came apart here and there, but just mush it back together and you will be just fine.

I think that is all I have to say about this one.

Bacon Cinnamon Rolls, adapted from Bacon Today

  • 1 package refrigerated cinnamon rolls (the kind in the tube)
  • 8 slices bacon (and if you like your bacon well done, cook it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes)

1. Preheat over to 400.

2. Separate rolls and unroll into long strips. Lay one slice of bacon on top of each strip and roll back up, pressing the dough together as needed. Place on greased cookie sheet.

3. Bake for 15 minutes or until rolls are browned and bacon is cooked.

4. Spread frosting from dough package on top of rolls while still hot.

5. Stand back out of the way. These babies are best right out of the oven!

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