Thursday, September 30, 2010

sexy work clothes

There are only very few occasions a person would VOLUNTARILY wake up at five in the morning.

For example -- your baby is crying and you (voluntarily) get up and walk into the next room to clean a diaper that smells like a jumble-mix of crap, vomit and leftover spaghetti sauce. Okay. My bad. That wasn't a very good example at all.

Either ways, it does not explain why my body thinks it is absolutely fair for my mind to get up at 5 am just because my eyes (which are still very much tightly shut) caught a hint of sunlight creeping through my bedroom curtain. Although, waking up this early has given me plenty of idle time before work, which has been wastefully spent on the internet.

(Scene from yesterday morning):
Click click click. And then I stumbled upon

Free autographed lab coat from Mythbusters!  

I glowed. There I was, finally thinking I now have a chance at getting me a new labcoat for work! And then I saw this:

FIFTY states! What are the odds of not being in one of em'!

I have to admit I got kind of upset. The kind you get when you feel lied and cheated to and have no one but yourself to blame.

I know it is just a lab coat, and maybe even if I do get a signed Mythbusters lab coat, I'd probably wouldn't have the heart to spill Coomassie Brilliant Blue (colour is obvious) over it.

But now, let me show you my really sexy uniform at work:

 Sexy, no?

Gotta love hand-me-downs.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against John Andrews.

So if you're a size-Small aspiring Scientist living in the U.S. (or simply because you love the Mythbusters), visit here for your chance to win the lab coat. Win it for me!

PS: The answer to the trivia question is here (I wouldn't spell it out for you and spoil your fun!)
PPS: Just realised that this is such a geeky entry!!

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