Thursday, September 16, 2010

One legged brain tumours

What do you call a one legged brain tumour?

Doris, Boris or Mumborg?


Ooops not in the best taste, but yes, the mumborg has a brain tumour (also only one leg, if you didn't know). This is not a tale I am unfamiliar with, let us go back in time.......(insert time travelling music, diddly doo diddly doo ~ erm think dream sequence noise in Wayne’s World).

There once was a little girl called Claire, she was six years old and her mum had a brain tumour. The doctors removed the brain, erm I mean tumour, and the mum was all better.

Fast forward back to the present time (diddly doo diddly doo etc etc)

There is a woman called Claire, who is 28 years old and her mum has a brain tumour. Okay things haven’t been that plain sailing since 1987, but I didn’t want to ruin the momentary fairytale moment. Meningioma is latest thing to be added to the list of ailments that the mumborg has. I have known for a few months now, but it was thought to be benign and not that bad as far as brain tumours go. The specialists have now decided that it may be malignant and a tad more serious.

What do you do when you get bad news? 
I write, I read, I hide on my own, I think, I drink and cry alone. Okay I don’t drink, it just rhymed and I went with it, being drunk would just make me feel worse. The thing that comes last on my list of ‘What I do’ is Talk. Putting what I am feeling into words that are spoken versus words that live in my head or written down, is a lot harder for me. In fact I would probably doodle a lot of pictures, before wanting to talk. Hence why it has took me awhile to write anything onto the blog, which has an audience and therefore almost like scary talking. I so wanted to make it past a year! A year without having to say that mumborg was ill again, just one year would have been great. I will find out late October time, what the plan of action is going to be. The specialist will probably have to try the suck it and see method, as there are a lot of things to take into consideration when it comes to the mumborg. For now she is doing okay and is her usual cheerful upbeat self. This is just another bump in the very bumpy road that the mumborg powers along in her electric wheelchair. I'm okay if she is.

Let's talk about doodles, because they make me happy. In 2008 I doodled these doodles, illustrating a breast self exam and just the other week I had a few emails about whether people could use them. The old ones apparently appear a lot in google images and it is Breast Cancer awareness month soon, so seemed like a good time to do some new ones, as it is such a good cause!Please let me know if you, firstly like them and secondly want to use them, especially if you are writing about Breast Cancer awareness.

They can be found on their own page 'Breast Self Exam', please visit them and have read about other charity/awareness doodle type stuff. Here is a wee glimpse:

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