Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Arts Web Site

Oh happy day!

Vancouver Opera landed in the Georgia Straight's Best of Vancouver 2010 issue. Under the Arts category, Vancouver Opera was named Best Arts Web Site.

Here's what the Georgia Straight contributors had to say:

It may specialize in a centuries-old art form, but the Vancouver Opera is ahead of the times when it comes to its Web presence. Head to and you can watch videos of rehearsals and audience responses, listen to podcasts, or, funkiest of all, check out the Opera Manga—illustrated versions of the pieces on its seasonal roster. The VO also has its own blog, plus a phalanx of live bloggers covering its shows; it sponsors a video contest via YouTube called Operabot; and it ranks as one of the few arts organizations in North America to employ full-time staff dedicated to social media. Yes, the team even tweets from backstage on opening night.

Thank you Georgia Straight for this amazing honour!

Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to run out and empty all the newstands for this week's issue to paste up on our office walls.

~ Ling Chan, Social Media Manager

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