Friday, September 26, 2008

Psychological Issues in Science Fiction

I was thinking about the word lunatic as I was watching a re-run of StarGate SG1. A character in the show was seeing a psychiatrist and labeled as crazy. As the show progressed we learned he was not crazy at all. In fact, he was learning that he was from another planet.I decided to investigate the word lunatic and found out it is derived from the Latin lunaticus which is from the stem luna which refers to the moon. This explains why there is a lot of mythology surrounding full moons and erratic human behavior, wolfmen, etc.
All of the above brings me to my movie pick for the weekend: 12 Monkeys starring Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis and was made in 1995.
The movie takes a close look at the mental health of the characters involved, time travel, and dreams vs. reality.
Throughout the movie, we need to decide if we are indeed watching a man time travel into the past and he gets labeled "nuts" because of the things he is saying about the future of earth, or he is delusional. Another aspect of the story is his strong belief his dreams are real thus re-enforcing his delusional thoughts that he is on a mission to save the earth. It is really left up to the viewer to decide which scenario is true in the context of the movie.
I love movies like this that make me wonder about the thin line of mental disorder vs. sanity and how it affects our world view. People who claim to be on a mission to save earth can either be branded as crazy or become highly revered as leaders of peace and hope. Ultimately, the movie is well acted, intertaining, and thought provoking.

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