Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Treasure Box Wednesday: The Fruits of Thrifting

Funny how a thrift store can be empty one week-- nothing but some mismatched flatware, a few old patterns and a couple of chipped cups-- and then a week or two later, the shelves can be overflowing.

That's pretty much what happened this last weekend-- the overflowing part. I hit the same stores I'd hit just two weeks ago-- the St. Vincent de Paul and Goodwill in Monroeville, and it had gone from famine to feast.

Part of the bounty is this Victorian transferware bowl. It's made by Dresden (of Ohio!), a whiteware pottery manufacturer around the turn of the 1900s.

The bowl has crazing, the little character cracks which are natural for whiteware, and don't detract from the value of the piece. But there aren't any chips, cracks or mars to this one. Hard to believe, really. And for $3.00!

I also found this lovely half-finished needlepoint of fruit...

It probably was supposed to be a chair cushion, but I think it would also look lovely in a vintage frame. I was really fond of the colors they used, and couldn't resist.

The same store had a feast of reading materials for me. I'd been hoping to get to read a few of Agatha Christie's tales feature her detectives Tommy and Tuppence, and the Goodwill certainly had them. In fact, they had a lot of other Christies, as well-- ideal for anyone hoping to acquire and instant collection. These editions were from the 60s.

In there is also Terry Pratchett, who I look forward to reading, as I've been driving around listening to a terrific audiobook of his. (Thanks a bunch for the recommendation, J.D.-- you were so, so right!)

Well, once we solve the mystery of who killed whom in the library with the candlestick... you need the candlestick, right?..

I got two of these-- $0.99 a piece-- from the St. Vincent de Paul. The base is cut glass and the style really looks like some Depression era pieces I've seen, though I can't find these particular ones in my books. But hey, old or new, they're quite stylish for the not-quite-a-dollar I paid for them. Cut glass, and cut-rate prices! Not bad.

Lastly, I found this nice little black purse...

It seems to be in great condition. It's no particular name I know, but I don't really care much about that. Basically, I will be using this for fall.

So here sits the full still-life of these thrifted fruits!

And me? I'm going to go devour those books. Have a wonderful week, my pals in thrift!

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