Friday, September 5, 2008

Weekend Sci FI movie pick

Book cover of Book cover via Amazon If you want to watch a great Sci Fi movie this weekend, I would pick Contact with Jodie Foster based on the novel by Carl Sagan. It has wonderful CGI visual effects and music that keep you very involved in the story and places you in the realm of the scientists and space. But more than that, the movie is very thought provoking and lets you decide for yourself about the nature of the universe. By juxtaposing science with spiritual belief, the viewer (or reader of the novel) can ask similar questions: are we alone in the universe? Is there more to our lives than we can see or know? Are there other dimensions of existence? Is travel throughout the universe easier than we think? I could go on with the questions, but they are questions I love to ponder.
The movie got me to thinking about the Drake Equation and Occam's razor and I love the line used a few times in the movie: If there is no life out there in the universe, then it would be an awful waste of space.
Of course the acting is wonderful and I feel the overall message of the movie to be positive. You take and external and internal journey with this movie and it is well worth the time spent watching. Enjoy...

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