Friday, November 13, 2009

2012: The End of the World?

People love to think the world is coming to an end and probably since the beginning of civilization they have felt that impending doom. Now the Mayan calendar is being used as a guide for predicting the end of the world as we know it, and the calendar ends the year 2012 so now many people believe the world will end that year. I guess so many people are genuinely concerned about 2012, NASA has set up a page debunking all the hype and misinformation about the occurrence of a natural disaster that could end life on earth.
Well, in true Hollywood style, a movie is out this weekend aptly named 2012. I love those movies that blow up everything, all the national monuments, famous cities, people running for cover and there is no where to hide. So if you like that kind of doomsday movie, you will like this one! Here is a clip from the movie and enjoy your weekend!

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