Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner at Fairway!

One day I am going to do what will be my favorite post that I will ever write in the history of this blog and that will be my behind the scenes tour of my favorite store on the planet, Fairway. Thereby torturing all of my beloved readers that don't live within driving distance of the best supermarket EVER...but maybe it will inspire you to write to the Fairway folks and demand what you are entitled to, which is your very own Fairway in your neck of the woods.

In the meantime, the folks at Fairway are offering up this amazing-sounding Thanksgiving event, and all you NYC-area lucky folks out there who live near a Fairway? You might want to check this out:

Ray Venezia, Fairway Market's Master Butcher will demonstrate the art of carving a turkey on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at the Fairway Café and Steakhouse (second floor of the Broadway and W. 74th Street store) The demonstration starts at 7 pm followed by a three course dinner. Cost is $40 per person. The menu is as follows:

Sweet Potato and red onion soup with sage

Hot open face turkey sandwich with handmade cranberry relish

Mashed potatoes and pan gravy

Pecan or pumpkin pie

Please call 212 994 9555 to get more information and to make a reservation

That's right -- Thanksgiving dinner served to you a week before the actual day by the genius foodies at Fairway...and without any family drama!! Along with a turkey carving lesson, which personally I know some of my family members could use. (You know who you are, guys.)

And for all the rest of you who are Fairway-deprived...I'm so sorry, and I will stop torturing you now...

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