Saturday, November 14, 2009

Zombies, Frapto and Mumborg stuff

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I am quite simply awful at computer games, with the exception of spider solitaire, I get motion sickness, bored and a whole other feast of side effects when playing them. Even with all that, I have persisted in playing one online game for the past three years (just before I started this blog). The game in question is Urban Dead  and basically:
Urban Dead is a free-to-play browser-based multi-player game where you play the survivor or victim of a zombie outbreak in a quarantined city centre, alongside tens of thousands of others.
I have died 34 times and I am currently one of the undead once more, until a kind soul revives me. I don't like being a zombie, it seems awfully rude to munch on someone to gain points. Of course stabbing, shooting, bludgeoning to death a zombie is the height of politeness... Anyhoo I wander aimlessly round the streets offing zombies, healing survivors and barricading myself in rooms. That is about my level of competence, I think you can see why I have died 34 times.. I don't mind having a bite on a zombie whilst I am undead, but as a zombie I have standards! No eating hoomans, just say no to man flesh when dead.

What else has been happening that doesn't involve zombies? Well keep reading.....

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