Monday, November 23, 2009

Chili Dog Casserole

I told myself that I really shouldn't blog about my chili dog casserole. For the good of your general health and well-being, because this is, um, not an especially healthy recipe. I make it about once a year when the Southern husband gets down on his knees and begs. It's never a pretty thing to see a grown man cry, so I always give in and put it on the menu in all its cheesy, bad-for-you goodness. So against my better's the scoop.

This is your basic four ingredient dish. Hot dogs. Tortillas. Cheddar Cheese. Chili. You spoon some chili into the bottom of a baking dish. Roll up those hot dogs in the tortillas and lay them on top of the chili. Ladle more chili on top. Cover the whole thing with a nice generous layer of shredded cheddar. Cover it with foil and bake it up for about 30 minutes and voila! Cheesy, spicy, chili dog scrumptiousness, and not a vegetable in sight.

So as long as you promise...promise!...not to make this more than every six months or so, and to get on the treadmill right after, here is my very bad but very good chili dog casserole recipe for you. Proceed at your own risk.


Serves 5

  • 4 cups chili (or 2 cans prepared chili, if you want to totally throw caution to the wind)
  • 10 hot dogs
  • 10 flour tortillas
  • 1 8 ounces package shredded cheddar

1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Spread 2 cups of chili in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish.
3. Roll up each hot dog in a tortilla and place seam side down on the chili
4. Pour the remaining chili over the row of hot dogs
5. Scatter the cheese over all.
6. Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes.
7. Serve immediately, and then eat nothing but salad and tofu for the next week.

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