Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jalapeno Poppers

I made these cute little poppers from the new Pioneer Woman cookbook, and they were a snap to make, and I really, truly did want to eat every single last one of them my own self...and I actually did eat two of them. But these are SPICY little numbers, and after two of them my eyes were watering just a little. However, anyone who really knows me will tell you that despite my Mexican chocolate chip cookies, I am pretty much a total wimp when it comes to anything with any sort of spicy kick to it, and therefore the wonderfully spicy Southern husband is a much better judge of this particular recipe. And so I asked him for a quote to put in today's post. Here it is:

"These jalapeno poppers popped for me!! Mingling the taste of the cheese, bacon & spicy peppers took me back to my southern roots, where we always looked forward to a nice spicy snack or meal, usually involving bacon & barbeque."

And I can confirm this by saying I put these down next to him while he was watching the football game last weekend (WHAT is going on with the Giants??? Can someone explain this to me??) and 2 seconds later the plate was empty. And the dog was in the other room.

So if you are a fan of fun, spicy finger food, these are most definitely for you. A word to the wise on preparing these or anything else involving a jalepeno pepper. WEAR GLOVES. I am not kidding. As I pointed out in my corn salad post last summer, if you don't, and a few hours later you rub your eyes (or take out your contact lenses, even worse)...I don't even want to think about it.

Okay then! Now go make them for the spiciest person you know.

JALAPENO POPPERS, adapted from The Pioneer Woman Cooks

18 fresh jalapenos

1 8 ounce package cream cheese

1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese

1 green onion, sliced

18 slices bacon, cut in half

1/4 cup bbq sauce

1. PUT ON GLOVES! (I get the box of latex surgical gloves at CVS. They are perfect for this sort of thing).

2. Cut the jalapenos in half length-wise and take out the seeds and membranes with a spoon or your gloved fingers.

3. Combine the cream cheese, cheddar and onion in a bowl until combined.

4. Stuff each jalapeno half with cheese mixture.

5. Wrap each bacon half-slice around the pepper and secure with a toothpick.

6. Brush with bbq sauce.

7. Now and only now may you remove the gloves.

8. Bake in preheated 275 oven for one hour or until bacon is cooked and sizzling

9. Can be served hot or at room temperature, if they last that long.

Click here for printable recipe

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