Sunday, November 1, 2009

Apple Dumplings, and the Winners Are...

Yes, those are what you think they are...the Pioneer Woman's famous apple dumplings...made with crescent rolls, apples, butter, sugar, and a nice dose of Mountain Dew. They are sinfully, outrageously, spectacularly surprise since pretty much everything she makes falls into this same category.

As I hope you have heard at this point, you too can get your mitts on a wonderful collection of Pioneer Woman recipes, along with a good dose of her warm and hilarious writing and page after page of her gorgeous photographs in her new cookbook.

As you may have heard, I got my OWN mitts on three copies of this fab cookbook, and asked you guys to leave a comment on my Sesame Noodles post suggesting something for me to make and photograph. And as a result, I have tons of great suggestions...and three lucky winners! As a matter of fact, there were SO many wonderful comments that I had to enlist the helpful Southern husband to close his eyes and pick the winners. And they are...

Katie, who suggested lasagne. I can't believe I haven't done a lasagne yet. One lasagne coming up.

Leah, who suggested making something for the dog. Okay Leah, how much did the dog PAY you?? But seriously...what a fun idea! And I actually do have a dog biscuit recipe. It's at the very, very back of my stack of all the people recipes. I'll move it on up.

And finally, Jenny, who suggested that I try the Pastor Ryan's Carbonara on the Pioneer Woman site. Jenny, I made this tonight, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I've made a lot of carbonaras along the way, but this one is honestly, truly, amazingly better than any of those other ones in my past. I'll put it on the blog very soon...I did get a pretty sweet picture of it.

I wish I had a copy of this gorgeous cookbook for everyone who commented, and I will definitely be trying a lot of your great ideas...and doing more cookbook giveaways in the future, so keep visiting! Thanks for your comments, every one of them, and click here for more info on this rocking great cookbook:


And try the apple dumpling recipe. You simply won't believe your tastebuds....

APPLE DUMPLINGS, from The Pioneer Woman

2 Granny Smith apples
2 cans crescent rolls
2 sticks butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoons vanilla
12 ounces Mountain Dew

Peel and core apples. Cut apples into 8 slices each. Roll each apple slice in a crescent roll. Place in a 9 x 13 buttered pan. Melt butter, then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir, and pour over apples. Pour Mountain Dew around the edges of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon and bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve with ice cream, and spoon some of the sweet sauces from the pan over the top.

Click here for printable recipe

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