Friday, November 6, 2009

Are You Ready to Meet an Alien?

Cover of "E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (W...

I have mused many times about how human beings here on Earth would receive aliens if they were to visit us and this was even the topic of the most recent movie District 9. Many movies over the decades have questioned our ability to peacefully accept and learn from an alien culture or single alien itself, such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, and The Alien franchise(in which the "company" wanted to capture an alien for the bio-weapons division), just to name a few of the many movies. The reason I am discussing this at all is because over at the website they had a poll asking how ready Earth is to meet an Alien Civilization. Very much to my surprise 37% said yes, then 38% said maybe, and 25% say no. I do need to take into account that those people who read are probably of a higher intelligence and more well rounded than the average person, but still, I feel Earth is not ready due to all the wars between countries, discrimination, and injustice that exists in the world. In fact, I was just reading a post on the blog of Dr. Castro about that very subject of hate.
I think we as humans have a lot more evolving to do in terms of acceptance and regard for genetic differences between our own species before we can accept an alien culture.
Here is a link to the POLL.
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